Contact Me
I am Here for You
Jennifer Bray
Loan Officer | NMLS 980758Direct: 970-797-3708
[email protected]
2809 E. Harmony Road, Suite 200Fort Collins, Colorado 80528
2232 Dell Range Boulevard, Suite 206
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009
Our mission is to make a positive difference in your life. We're dedicated to providing remarkable service and welcome the opportunity to hear how we're doing. If you are a Cornerstone customer and are experiencing any issues with your mortgage transaction, please reach out to:
, , Cornerstone Home Lending713.212.3049 |
The above service is provided for Cornerstone Home Lending customers and is not meant for solicitations, servicing related inquiries, or any other purpose. For these, please call our corporate office at .
California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”):
Pursuant to the CCPA, Cornerstone Home Lending is making available to all California residents two forms for submitting a
request to exercise their rights under this law. The two forms include a toll-free telephone number and an online submission.
If you are a California resident and wish to exercise your rights, please use one of the following two methods:
Toll-free phone number: (855) 937-0771
Online submission: Form
Please email form to [email protected]
For a list of California consumer rights, please visit our privacy policy at the following link: Privacy Policy